Social NFT Announces Their CEO Sonia Rayat

2 min readSep 6, 2021

Social NFT, the next-gen social media platform for NFTs is making big moves before its official launch. The platform just announced its CEO, Sonia Rayat who will be leading an enthusiastic team into the future of digital assets.

Sonia Rayat has been involved in the financial markets for over a year now. She is a self-taught entrepreneur who is incredibly passionate about chartering uncharted terrains and reaching new heights in life. She learned the ins and outs of the financial markets during the pandemic all the while working full-time at her previous job.

However, she quit her job a few months ago to pursue her entrepreneurial dreams and will now be at the helm of Social NFT. This is a natural fit for her as she has experience in network marketing as well. As such, you can expect her to guide a whole generation of influencers on how to monetize their content leveraging NFTs.

As Sonia once said, “Be open-minded to other ways of making money. If we keep doing the same things over and over again, and we are not happy with the results, you got to do something different.” In the new world that cryptocurrencies are building, NFTs serve as that “something different” that creatives are beginning to realize the value of.

This is where Social NFT comes into play. This cutting-edge platform will allow influencers, marketers, artists, and other people to create, mint, and sell their NFTs. The fans will be able to trade these NFTs as well, so there is something for everybody. And the whole process has been kept so simple, that users won’t have to scurry around looking for how-tos. It will be as easy as using any other social media platform, but better.

While most social media platforms make tons of money from user-generated content, Social NFT will turn the tables, and allow users to earn from what they create. It will lay a foundation for a future where NFTs represent real-world or digital objects of value.

The platform is about to have a release party soon and will allow the purchase of its tokens on September 16th on Pancake Swap. There will be many more big announcements down the line. So, stay tuned for much more excitement in the future.

In the meantime, Sonia Rayat will be holding an AMA session about Social NFT. So, if you want to learn more about the project, make sure you check out her social media where she will be answering some of your most burning questions.




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